
The Day We Gave Up Health Book


The Day We Gave Up Health Book (Paper-back)

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A powerful message exposing the food industry and how obesity became a pandemic norm. This book covers through evidence and facts various topics related to obesity and weight issues, the pharmaceutical industrial complex, the media, politics and the movers and shaker who manipulate the masses behind the scene. This book also covers a positive message for solutions and alternatives.

There’s no better time the NOW to know the truth and there’s still hope through spreading global awareness.


The Day We Gave Up Health Book

Weight problems, health related diseases and other significant issues are presented in this book.

The Day We Gave Up Health Book – How in the world did we get so fat so fast! Obesity is now well beyond acceptable limits and it continues to rise worldwide. Even children and animals are now prone to obesity. Have we become lazier in the last few decades or is it due to our growing addiction to food. Has global obesity become a pandemic by design or by chance? Are we, as humans, in a new phase of evolution due to the consumption of a new genre of foods and substances that are entirely foreign to our bodies? Are we going to make it as a species through this new phase or wither and die? Will we, as a species evolve and adapt to the new foods that flood our homes and markets?

This book is the result of extensive research and analysis. The book attempts to answer some of these questions honestly. Contributions from experts in the field of medicine, health, politics and research have been incorporated into this book to provide you with honest facts.

Things around us are changing fast and there is no better time than NOW to know the truth. You deserve to know the truth. You deserve better!

Product Details

Paperback: 302 pages

Publisher: THE MINDTECH INSTITUTE PVT. LTD (August 3, 2016)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0646939181

ISBN-13: 978-0646939186

Product Dimensions: 6 x 0.7 x 9 inches

Shipping Weight: 15.8 ounces

Health & Wellbeing  Health & Psychology Philosophy, Psychology & Social Sciences Popular beliefs & controversial knowledge Conspiracy theories Philosophy, Psychology & Social Sciences Social issues & processes Illness & addiction: social aspects

The Book is available to be purchased at The MindTech Institute (Store) as well as all book stores including Amazon. 300 page will say it all unless you miss out!



Interest: how to lose weight, why am I keep gaining weight, why I can’t lose weight, weight problems, healthy foods, healthy eating, diet plans, losing weight, belly fat, weight gain, nutrition, the healthy way to eat, intermittent fasting, Mediterranean diet, vegan diet, vegetarian diet, halal diet, kosher diet, alkaline vs acidic diet, the meat industry, the weight loss industry, health, well-being, the media deception, the mind and body relation, why I can’t lose fat, aspartame, fluoride in the water, conspiracy theory, propaganda.

Additional information


375 pages









Product Dimensions

6 x 0.8 x 9 inches

Shipping Weight

1.2 pounds